Comparative Studies of History and Civic Studies in Nigeria Education Curriculum: A Recent Challenge

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Eyesan Orighmisan


With no iota of doubt, history education and civic studies have made a significant contribution to the advancement of education in the past and today's society will live in it. Through the growth of both nationalism and patriotism, history education has always been closely tied to civil studies. This article highlights the different views of academics on the growth of both disciplines as applied to education couple with a brief overview of the integrated era of Nigerian civic studies. This article discusses the challenges facing Nigeria's education system relating it to history and civic studies and the impact of both disciplines, and also suggests potential ways out to address the challenges.

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How to Cite
Orighmisan, E. . (2021). Comparative Studies of History and Civic Studies in Nigeria Education Curriculum: A Recent Challenge . Journal Educational Verkenning, 2(2), 20-33. Retrieved from


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