The Influence of Environmental Resilience on Determining the Status of the Village Development Index (IDM) in Bone Bolango Regency
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This research aims to examine the impact of the Environmental Resilience Index on the Village Development Index (IDM) status in Bone Bolango Regency. The study uses a qualitative approach, incorporating field surveys, questionnaires, and interviews with village government officials, community leaders, and professional assistance staff. Data was collected from 15 villages across 13 sub-districts. Results reveal a decrease in the Environmental Resilience Index from April to December 2024, which influenced the IDM status. For example, Langge Village experienced a drop in the Environmental Resilience Index from 0.9333 (Independent IDM) to 0.8 (Advanced IDM). Similarly, other villages like Bunuo and Molintogupo also showed declines in both Environmental Resilience Index and IDM values. The study indicates that the Environmental Resilience Index, based on environmental quality, disaster proneness, and disaster response, significantly impacts IDM status. To maintain IDM levels, the research emphasizes the need for continuous cooperation among stakeholders and supra-village authorities. Recommendations include strengthening village infrastructure, enhancing education, developing the local economy, ensuring community participation, and sustainable natural resource management. These measures should be implemented consistently, not only during data collection but also throughout the year.
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