Perception of Foreign Tourists towards Gorontalo Tourism Destinations

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Nur Djamilah Hijriah
Srilian Laxmiwaty Dai


The purpose of this study for the purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of transit tourists about Gorontalo Tourism Destinations through tour guides and recommendations from efforts to develop Gorontalo Tourism Destinations. This type of research is qualitative with four data collection techniques, namely observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The results of the study indicate that tourist perceptions are positive because Gorontalo Tourism Destinations are used as the main destinations in their visits. Destinations are developed and attractions are created to be served to tourists. Another thing to note is the provision of information boards for tourists who go to places far from the city, such as the Hungayono Forest. The information board is related to directions to the nearest hospital or health center along with telephone numbers that can be contacted and the nearest police station along with telephone numbers that can be contacted. This is needed so that if something happens, tourists know what to do, where to go and know the phone number to contact the needed party. Of course, this gives tourists a sense of security to visit faraway places without any doubts even if they are accompanied by a tour guide. Not only the environment, but cultural preservation also needs to be maintained and maintained in an effort to achieve the creation of sustainable tourism development.

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