Factors Influencing the Performance of Nurses in the Emergency Room at Bunda Thamrin General Hospital Medan

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Hendry Hendry
Mangatas Silaen
Jamaludin Jamaludin


Nurses as one of health workers in the hospital having an important role in achieving health development goals. The success of health services depends on the participation of nurses to provide high quality care nursing for patients. This research is quantitative and using cross sectional design. The purpose of this research is to see what factors that can influence over the performance of nurses of emergency room in Bunda Thamrin Hospital Medan 2018. This research use total sampling or exhaustic sampling and The source data of this research is using questionnaire and then followed by using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis with SPSS program. The results of this research is that work load (p=0,000),strees of work (p=0,000),competention (p=0,000), insentive (p=0,000),length of working (p=0,000) have influences for performance of nurse. After multivariate analysis the most influence variable is work load (p=0,000. The result showed that there was correlation between work load, strees of work, competention, insentive, length of working has influences against work performances of nurse. Therefore, needs toimprovenursing service that can be made to improving the performance of nurses with increased knowledge through education nursing sustainable and improving skills nursing is absolutely necessary. The arrangement of a work conducive environment so important, so that nurses can work effectively and efficiently .Creating a work that could lead to a nurse to do the best.

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How to Cite
Hendry, H., Silaen, M. ., & Jamaludin, J. (2020). Factors Influencing the Performance of Nurses in the Emergency Room at Bunda Thamrin General Hospital Medan. Journal Wetenskap Health , 1(2), 58-64. https://doi.org/10.48173/jwh.v1i2.30


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